Our companies have become accustomed to communicating with indescribable ease their CSR actions, and this could previously satisfy the need for a respectable image. It was enough to say it to make it credible… Now it will have to be demonstrated! Investors finance companies and projects with tangible CSR criteria, and the phenomenon is growing exponentially. An example among many others, BlackRock, the largest investment management company in the world (9'000 billion assets under management) finances companies with an ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) score high, including Microsoft, Unilever or Patagonia… While we may attribute virtuous intentions, make no mistake about it, the adoption of sustainable and responsible practices has a positive impact on the financial performance and long-term competitiveness of companies. And it is the same for many investors and decision-makers, the criteria for awarding public or private contracts give pride of place to companies that are able to show credible commitments in this area. This is the end of the «announcement effects» and «measures», companies (large groups and SMEs) must demonstrate their willingness to change their matrix by adopting a governance mode in line with the expectations of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). It’s no longer an option, it’s a matter of survival! The development of specialized standards and measurement tools provide concrete elements to optimize CSR performance, according to 7 fundamental principles established according to the ISO 26'000 standard (which I will detail later) The system is based on planning evaluation criteria specific to the company’s activity, action, verification and corrective adaptation. The approach affects all employees, suppliers, subcontractors, customers and the surrounding society. The whole is measurable at all times and transcribed via KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).
But beyond the form, it is the spirit of the approach that is interesting, since it invites everyone, at all levels of the hierarchy, to consider their own actions, because all the functions of the company are involved: Management, HR, Finance, HSE, Production, Quality…
Don’t kid yourself, to win new markets, you’re going to have to go ahead with a clear cut in CSR and show a determination that will win over investors, customers, and new talent… 😊
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